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Spring Roll Dipping Sauce - 'Nuoc Cham'

Super easy to make at home

This sauce is a particularly important base because it is needed in many dishes. The already-made preparations you can buy are often poorly balanced: too acid or too sweet. You have to learn to make it, especially since it is very fast and easy.

To make it hotter, you can add sliced hot peppers and garlic. It is indispensable with: Crispy Spring Rolls, Fresh Spring Rolls, Bo Bun, Banh Cuon, Banh Xeo, etc.


  • 4 doses of sugar*
  • 3 doses of hot water*
  • 1 dose of fish sauce*
  • 2 doses of lemon juice*
*: if you choose 1 tbsp as the basic dose, you will need 4 tbsp of sugar, 3 tbsp of water, 1 tbsp of fish sauce and 2 tbsp of lemon juice.

    Spring Roll Dipping Sauce - 'Nuoc Cham'
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