HOT POT Sukiyaki Laotian Version
A delicious dish to gather family and friends around
Sukiyaki is a well known hot pot dish in Japan. In Thailand and Laos, it is also very popular, but their versions are quite different and their dipping sauce is the center of all attentions.
When we are invited in family or friends around a sukiyaki, we wonder how the sauce will be. After the meal, we remember the sauce with delight, sometimes long afterwards.
In this recipe, I give you the secrets of the sauce we love in my family. Bon appétit.
Ingredients for 4 to 6 people
- 400g of tender beef meat
- 400g of shrimps
- 300g of salmon
- 300g of tuna
- 300g of squid
- 200g of fish balls
- 500g of firm tofu
- 150g of mushrooms
- 500g of chrysanthemum leaves
- 500g of Chinese cabbage
- 300g of celery
- 200g of glass vermicelli
- 1kg of chicken carcass
- 6L of water
- 1 tsp of salt
- 4 tbsp of fish sauce
Dipping Sauce
- 250g of shallots
- 125g of garlic
- 50g of dried shrimps
- 30g of paprika
- 30g of sweet chili powder
- 100g of sesame seeds
- 100g of fermented bean curd
- 2 tbsp of peanut paste
- 2 tbsp of Chinese barbecue sauce (Hoisin)
- 500ml of oil

All the ingredients are ready on the table

The dipping sauce is very important for a successful Sukiyaki Hot Pot
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